Unless you have spent some time in Indonesia, then you have probably never even heard of the amazing herbal drink called Jamu.

Sold by stalls and small traders all over the country daily, this healing drink is a cornerstone of Indonesian life and culture that gets little international recognition despite having been in existence for centuries.


Let’s start by looking at what is in Jamu before going over this traditional drink’s history and health benefits.



What is in Jamu?


Jamu as a term covers the entire range of traditional herbal drinks that are made in line with Ayurvedic principles. 


This form of traditional medicine uses naturally occurring herbs, spices and other botanicals to bring the body back into balance.


While there is no single recipe for Jamu, the following are the most common ingredients:



Some of these are familiar spices to us, but how exactly did they come to be used in Indonesian herbal medicine? To understand this, you need to understand the history of Jamu.



A Brief History of Jamu


As a global trade crossroads, Indonesia has long been influenced by different cultures, and Jamu has its roots in traditional Indian Ayurvedic principles.


While records of Indonesians using Jamu as a herbal medicine go back as far as the 1300s, it is likely it has been a feature of Indonesian life long before that.


Most historians believe that Jamu first became a feature of Indonesian life during the period of the Mataram Kingdom.


During the Mataram and later in the Majapahit kingdoms in Eastern Java, Jamu usage became ingrained in Indonesian culture.


Many artefacts connected with herbal medicine production, such as tools and pottery, have been discovered from this period.


Indonesia itself was dubbed the ‘Spice Islands’ by European colonialists, and it is this fantastic range of traditional herbs and spices that provide the healing ingredients for Jamu.


Traditional recipes for Jamu are passed down from one generation to the next, and there are complex concoctions, with a recipe suitable for just about any ailment.


Ignored and Then Embraced Doctors


Over time, and especially as modern medicine became prevalent during the colonial period, the usage of Jamu declined significantly.


Throughout the early 20th century, a massive preference for Western-style medicine developed in Indonesia, and even locally trained physicians became dismissive of traditional herbal remedies.


It was during the Japanese occupation in the early 1940s that Jamu usage saw a resurgence. With many medical supplies unavailable, Jamu became the standard remedy for a wide range of ailments.


This renaissance of Jamu usage in the 1940s also led to a formalization of the science surrounding it. In the last decades, Jamu has gone from a locally made beverage to a pill or powder produced on an industrial scale.


Today, many doctors in Indonesia recognize the benefits of Jamu and the medicinal herbs it is made of. Despite manufactured options being available, many still buy traditional Jamu from local community members.


Amazing Healing Properties


A major reason why Jamu has such enduring popularity is the fundamental healing properties of its main herbal components.


If we consider some of the most popular ingredients for Jamu listed above, we can see just how beneficial this medicine can be:






Both white and red ginger contain the main bioactive compound gingerol which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. According to studies, ginger may help improve weight-related measurements. These include body weight and the waist-hip ratio.




Tamarind is not only a popular ingredient in regional cuisines, but it is also great for you! It is amazingly rich in vitamins such as potassium and reduces blood sugar levels, making Tamarin great for your cardiovascular health.




Cardamon is commonly used to treat nausea and is thought to have anti-depressant properties.




Nutmeg is excellent at reducing the chances of getting kidney stones and generally reduces inflammation in your body. This extends to the skin, where it has been known to help with acne.




Full of healing anti-oxidants, cinnamon can reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels making it the perfect natural remedy to the effects of diabetes.


Javanese Curcuma


Native to the island of Java, this spice improves kidney and liver function and can be used to treat anaemia. It is generally distilled into oil for consumption.




This is often a core ingredient in Jamu. As a part of the ginger family, galangal has terrific anti-fungal and microbial properties. It has been used as a natural disinfectant for centuries and is also exceptional at regulating heart pressure.



An Undiscovered Secret


Despite brief surges in popularity outside of Indonesia in the past, Jamu has not extended its reach far beyond the archipelago.


A big part of this is the local nature of Jamu production. As previously mentioned, most Jamu is made locally to recipes passed from one generation to the next and is highly secretive and protected, until now.


When mixed into liquid form, the herbs and spices used in Jamu do not remain effective or shelf-stable for an extended period, making the export of this traditional Jamu difficult.


Luckily, you do not have to travel to Indonesia yourself to try the very best Jamu because there is a solution!


Buy the Best Jamu from Indonesia


You can now order amazing powdered Jamu directly from The Jamu Group and see the amazing health benefits of this natural herbal drink for yourself.


Our range of Jamu drink powders is made using 100% organic, non-GEO ingredients from Indonesia’s lush fields and forests.


With no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or animal derivatives, The Jamu Group has refined a roasting and drying process to bring pure Jamu packed with healing properties direct to you with up to twelve months shelf life.


If you would like to try this ancient healing drink for yourself, there has never been a better time than now. 


The Jamu Group has a range of products specifically formulated for modern ailments including, Immunity, Balance, energy, Sleep and Detox with more blends coming soon.