If you want to start your day off the healthy way, then there is no better choice than Indonesian Jamu.


This herbal tonic follows Ayurvedic principles to bring balance to your body and address a range of common ailments.


It has been a primary source of wellbeing for the people of Indonesia for centuries, but now it is becoming increasingly popular internationally.


You may not have heard of Jamu before, which is entirely understandable. Let’s go through the health benefits of Jamu together by first looking at the main ingredients of Jamu.


What is in Jamu Juice?


While you can quickly find many interesting recipes for Jamu online, it is surprisingly hard to pin down an exact recipe which is a truly authentic representation of Jamu straight from the source.


Traditional Jamu is mixed directly by street vendors in response to a person’s specific ailment or medical complaint. 


These Ayurvedic recipes are closely held and passed down from one generation to the next. While vendors are pretty happy to give details of the ingredients, they will rarely discuss quantities or ratios.


Researchers have recorded more than 200 variants of Jamu juice commonly consumed, and there are likely to be many more. There are, however, some common ingredients in Jamu that include:




As you may have noticed, Jamu makes heavy use of the region’s naturally occurring herbs and spices. Many of these ingredients can be found in your pantry, but they form a potent natural remedy for a range of ailments when combined and only really carry maximum effectiveness when properly mixed by Jamu experts 


Health Benefits


Jamu’s popularity is so enduring because it works! In the early 20th century, there was a lot of pressure for Indonesians to abandon these traditional remedies.


Even though modern medicines are widespread in Indonesia, no one ever really stopped drinking Jamu. For millions of Indonesians, every day begins with a healthy drink of Jamu.


Roving vendors whip up fresh herbal concoctions right there on the street, and many Indonesians, young and old, credit Jamu with their continued health and wellbeing. Here are just a few of the purported health benefits of Jamu juice.


Cardio-Vascular Health


A cornerstone of a healthy body is a god cardio-vascular system. A healthy blood flow is an excellent way to stave off heart disease and a range of other ailments.


Both turmeric and tamarind have proven benefits for cardiovascular health. Tamarind is rich in potassium, and there is evidence that turmeric can lower the risk of heart attacks and diabetes.


Ginger, which is also a common active ingredient in Jamu, has a calming effect with the potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Hormonal Balance


An interesting effect of Jamu is the ability to address hormonal imbalance. Women, in particular, can experience quite drastic hormonal fluctuations in their life and Jamu can help ease these changes.


Curcumin, which is the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to have a measurable impact on regulating estrogen levels. 


Studies show that curcumin balances estrogen levels, moderating some of the more drastic hormonal swings that women can experience.


Liver and Kidney Detox


Many Jamu formulations have a strong detox effect, heavily cleansing the liver and kidneys and potentially preventing issues such as gall stones.


As we go about our lives, many harmful toxins build up in our body, especially in the organs like the liver responsible for filtering our blood.


Many herbs and spices found in Jamu, such as ginger, tamarind and nutmeg have a strong cleansing effect while also introducing helpful vitamins and minerals to your system.


Reign in Free Radicals


Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells in your body and, when out of balance, can cause debilitating diseases such as cancer.


The best way to attack free radicals in your body is by introducing antioxidants to keep everything in balance. Many of the traditional ingredients in Jamu are rich in antioxidants and can help you stay healthy.


Immunity Boost


For our immune system to keep protecting us, we need to keep it fuelled up with everything it needs to operate effectively.


Jamu achieves this with a range of vitamin and mineral-rich ingredients that provide your body everything it needs for healthy day to day operations.


With a healthy immune system, you are far less likely to get common illnesses and have a more general sense of health and wellbeing.


Better Digestion


The source of many common ailments can be traced to your digestive system, and we all must pay close attention to our digestive health.


Jamu itself is quite gentle on your gut biome, helping to promote healthy digestion and cleansing toxins from your digestive system. It can even ease discomfort associated with indigestion and constipation.


Reduce Inflammation 


Many Ayurvedic treatments use turmeric extensively for its anti-inflammatory properties. Even many modern industrial medicines make use of curcumin for this reason.


Both internal inflammations such as ulcers and external strain and sprains can be treated using the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric.


Where Can You Buy Jamu Juice?


All of this is great, but where can you find Jamu? Unless you live in Indonesia, it is highly unlikely you have a local Jamu vendor!


While it is possible to make Jamu yourself at home, many of the most common ingredients are not common in Western countries and, if they are, can be pretty expensive.


The Jamu Group has you covered! With the mission of bringing Jamu to the world, we have developed a range of powdered Jamu drinks that are easy to prepare at home with only warm water or as an addition to your healthy juice, smoothie or shake.


Made using ethically sourced organic herbs and spices from Indonesia, these powdered Jamus are just as potent and healing as liquid Jamu, but with much better shelf life of up to twelve months.


So now, you can easily incorporate a healing Jamu juice into your morning routine. Just choose your favorite flavor from the range at The Jamu Group and experience the benefits for yourself.

If you’re interested in learning more have a look at our article on Jamu weight loss properties.